Fizzy Fags

cigarette lighter striking twice. Cigarette being lit. Soft-drink-like fizzing sound. A child's innocent giggle.
Little girl
Mummy, I'm happy!
Yes! Moms, make your children happy with new Fizzy Fags. It's the sparkling fun cigarette for kids!
Little girl
[inhale]... ahhh....
It's the secret blend of high-tar tobacco and artificial colouring in Fizzy Fags' smooth Sherbet Shag that kids just can't resist!
Little girl
I love you mummy! And your fizzy fags!!
Yes, moms, win your child's love with new Fizzy Fags! Or burn in the eternal furnace of Hades! Your choice!
Jingle singers
It's another quality product!
From Question-a-ble Mer-chan-dise Li-mited!

Fun Sponge

liquid splash and bubble
Little girl
Mummy, why is there sticky blood dribbling down my leg?
Yes! Moms, prepare your children for Eve's Shame with Fun Sponge, the great new practice-tampon for kids!
Little girl
Mummy, this Applicator is really convenient for today's modern woman! Fun Sponge slides easily into even my small immature choo-choo!
But Fun Sponge doesn't just prepare your offspring for the sinister taint of menstruation - they're also great fun for all the family!
Little girl
I love Fun Sponge! Now I am truly ready for the viscid deluge of gore that will surely flow from my newly-fertile uterus as I enter womanhood!
Moms! You simply must buy new Fun Sponge! It's your patriotic duty! They're menarcheally marvellous!
Jingle singers
It's another quality product!
From Question-a-ble Mer-chan-dise Li-mited!